Sunday, August 21, 2011


I always get so excited to see the crosshairs on fertility friend, haha. As far as my temperature goes, it looks like I'm ovulating, which is more than I can say for a year ago. Yay for metformin and exercise and better diet! My temps never look smooth like some people's do, but I blame my erratic sleep schedule for that. We go to bed so late and on the weekends, it's even worse, so it's hard to get consistent readings. Still, it's super exciting when the crosshairs show up and say, yay, you ovulated!

In some ways, I feel like this is our best shot at getting pregnant before the IVF. It may be our last shot, depending on when I O next cycle. I have a beach writing retreat planned with some writing friends and it's 3 hours away. I think the week I'm gone will be the week I O (and toward the end of the week too, which makes it impossible). So, it might be a break next month, then on to bcp and injections for IVF. I would be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that was really hoping I would get pregnant this cycle so we didn't have to go through with the IVF.

I've heard so many stories about people saying, "Oh, we were going to do IVF, but then we got pregnant the cycle before!" 3 people I know have this story, which is a miracle and very happy, but will it be my story? Between the exercise, the eating right, the little bit of acupuncture, and the saline with bubbles that went through my tubes and potentially cleared out any gunk or mucus, why couldn't this be it for us? I'm 3 DPO (days past ovulation) today, so we'll know in less than 10.

Anyway, just got excited to see the crosshairs and know that I did ovulate this month!

My Ovulation Chart

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